
Club Websites



Brighton Bayside




Inner Melbourne


Moonee Valley


Port Phillip


Surf Coast





The Life Activities Clubs

LACs that are members of LACVI come under its protective umbrella and receive a number of benefits ranging from IT support particularly regarding websites and membership management, exclusive access to social events to advocacy on behalf of their members to Government and community bodies.

All LACs provide their members with opportunities to enjoy a range of fun and healthy activities in a safe and friendly environment.

Each Life Activities Club is an incorporated not-for-profit community group run by its members on a voluntary basis. Each Club provides members with opportunities to keep physically fit and mentally alert, allowing members to determine their own level of engagement. They provide a stimulating environment where people can learn new skills and share their own and others’ experiences, enjoy life to the full and avoid the risk of loneliness and isolation. They are welcoming and operate in a relaxed and comfortable manner.


What do Clubs do?

Each Life Activities Club:

  • Provides support to its members as they experience life-changing events such as retirement, loss of a partner or moving into a new area, and as they pursue an active and enjoyable lifestyle.
  • Provides its members with a variety of leisure, physical, educational, personal development, and social activities.
  • Organises sub-groups of the Club (called Activity Groups), each sub-group comprising those members of the Club who share a common interest and meet regularly to pursue that interest.
  • A Life Activities Club could have anything from 6 to 60 or more Activity Groups.


Please note that there are organisations whose names include the words ‘Life Activities Club’ that are not associated with LACVI. Those organisations and their members are not entitled to the protection and benefits offered by LACVI nor do they participate in our special offers. LACVI Member Clubs are listed above.

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