LAC Croydon
LAC Croydon
Kyabram Golf Getaway. Sunday 28th March saw 29 Croydon LAC golfers and friends descend upon Kyabram for a long weekend organised perfectly as usual by Leonard.
Spread out over two motels and a caravan park, there was the usual happy hour with nibbles and drinks before dinner providing an opportunity for all to catch up and share stories.
Kyabram has two golf courses, one being 18 holes all par 3 where Victoria’s Championship is held, so we just had to try it out as a change. It proved to be a great success and was enjoyed by all golfers.
The adventurous ‘Lore’ amazed all by doing a 360km day trip all the way to Swan Hill and returned in time for dinner. Many used their free time to visit lots of nearby local towns with silos and murals. Nicki, one of our newest female golfers surprised even herself as she landed right next to the pin and beat all the male golfers as well.
Our next golf trip (cancelled in October 2020) was rebooked last year for Sunday 10th October 2021 where another great country golf course awaits us in Western Victoria.
By Edith Martin, President