Rob and his Cat's

Robert and his Cat's

Gypsy and Myska were my little pieces of sanity during my recent divorce and the lockdown. Any time I was feeling down, all I had to do was sit down and they would appear from nowhere.

They woke me up at 6.30 every morning wanting their breakfast. They always wanted to be patted, and if I was not paying attention to them, they head butted me until I started the patting process. One morning Myska even brought me a mouse. Heaven knows where she found it.

Whilst Gypsy will go to anyone for a pat, Myska is a little shy, until she realises she is missing out. If I sit down on the couch (because they have both the armchairs), one of them will join me on the couch and lie down beside me. Myska and Gypsy are sisters (according to the vet where we found them) and fight like sisters. Whilst they are indoor cats, they do go outside occasionally.

Whilst I grew up with dogs, I could not ask for better friends than Gypsy and Myska.

By Rob Peters

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