LAC Croydon

LAC Croydon

Pictured above are a few of our happy members at the annual picnic in 2020. A few members who hadn’t managed to get to that January picnic, were lucky to fit in another sunny picnic day on June 14th before the second phase of COVID–19 restrictions were brought in.

The golfers are rejoicing now they can play again having suffered severe separation anxiety from the greens and postponement of bi-annual getaway weekends.

We look forward to gradually getting into the swing of things with activities starting up again such as dine outs, coffee chats, cycling and walking groups and hopefully following up with our indoor activities as advised.

Meantime, ZOOM has been a blessing and those members with dogs have had good exercise and distance socialising with fellow dog walkers.

We’re looking forward to the next one in January 2021.  Meantime our Club Christmas breakup Dinner was enjoyable with entertainment and gifts for all to enjoy now that restrictions have eased.

By Edith Martin, President

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