Club News Round-up Surf Coast
Club News Round-up: LAC Surf Coast
Pre Covid-19 Lockdown
We had our usual busy summer here in Torquay. However, this year during that time our nation was dealing with the devastation and loss caused by the bushfires. This time the Surf Coast was spared but memories of the 1983 and 2015 fires were very much in everyone’s minds.
To start the year on a bright note, we held a Happy Hour around the pool at the Wyndham Resort. There was also a ferry trip to Sorrento but this was days before the inevitable announcement of restrictions so only a few went.
COVID-19 Lockdown
As information became available on a daily basis, we looked at each activity, trying to keep as much going as possible but as it very quickly unfolded, it became clear that we had to suspend ALL activities. This was done on 23rd March.
This offered us an unprecedented opportunity to adopt LAMP (Life Activities Management Program). We had a couple of people looking for a lockdown project and are due to go live with LAMP at the end of May.
We started using Zoom for committee meetings and new WhatsApp communication groups were set up to keep people in contact and have a bit of fun.
Coming Out
As restrictions are cautiously being lifted, we have resumed our Walking Groups and Tennis with new self-distancing rules. It is going to take months before all our activities resume but they will.
By Cheryl Annetts, President
Tennis. This morning photo, showing social distancing as players waited their turn to play. We also had hand sanitiser available and we did do coffee after maintaining safe distances.
Surf Coast walkers on their first walk in January this year before COVID-19.
Saturday Morning Walkers practicing social distancing before heading off on their walk.